Mr.Shamim Rafeek's flagship Entrepreneurship Coaching Program, "E.A.G.L.E - ENTREPRENEURSHIP COACHING PROGRAM" outlines the specific plan that Shamim developed, synthesizing thousands of books, seminars, trials, errors and victories into the best and proven strategies on how to design, execute, stick to and achieve business goals. 1000 plus Entrepreneurs from 15 Countries have undergone this program succesfully.
Learn how to find what matters (really), what your (true) passion is, what your unique strengths are, and how to ignite your superhuman motivation to make yourself emotionally bulletproof as you take the wild ride through entrepreneurship.
? Learn the essential sales and marketing skills every entrepreneur needs to master in order to succeed in today’s brutally competitive marketplace.
? Learn how to recruit, keep, and get maximum performance out of A-level players. Learn the four essential qualities of a 21st-century leader.
? Learn how to discover and monitor your Success Vitals–your vital functions, vital priorities, vital metrics, and vital improvements.
? Learn the six brain hacks to conquer fear forever so you can enjoy the terrifyingly thrilling entrepreneur ride.
This coaching program is designed to prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn you (of forthcoming fears, doubts, and the self-defeating conditioning of your upbringing and past), inoculate you (from the naysayers, dream-stealers, and pains of rejection and failure), and guide you (as you build those under-developed skills of independence, self-motivation, and self-accountability) safely past the landmines that blow up and cause the failure of newest business owners. You get an opportunity to network with 1000 plus entrepreneurs from 15 counties.
Each Eagle Coaching batch will only have 15 to 20 participants (first come first serve basis). The sessions are spread over 4 days.
Hotel Holiday Inn, National Highway Bypass, Kochi.
The sessions will be highly interactive and the coaching methodology includes role-plays that involve learning through doing, audio visual presentation, group discussions, case studies, braining storming, setting personal and business goals & reviewing it, activities, management games, observing and providing feedback and analysis. Work books will be provided in the class room.
Enrollment is limited to only 15 to 20 participants per program. Be the first to be enrolled by sending the form as soon as possible. Admission based on first come first serve payment basis.
NEXT BATCH - Contact Smitha 9895176464 for more details.
Feel free to call – Smitha - 9895176464 | E-mail - info@winnerinyou.in
Warning: “The E.A.G.L.E – WHY NOW IS THE TIME TO SOAR HIGH” program is not for everyone. It is only for those who choose… TO SOAR HIGH IN BUSINESS! Get ready to Soar high!
1500 Plus Eagles completed the program in 94 batches. Welcome to be an Eagle.